About Us.


5 +Years Experience

We Always


Free Company Setup
Since our incorporation in 2020, our sole focus has been on delivering unrivalled value to our clients. We looked at what else was out there and spotted a huge gap in the market for what we do. It is this ethos, drive and vision from our co founders that has put us in the position we are in today.

Our Company History


The Idea

It Began with an Idea

Free Company Setup itself started as an idea, the co founders were looking for new business oportunities to get involved in, part of this was registering a LTD company. It was this search that led to them asking questions about how easy they could make it. At that point the first concept of Free Company Setup was born. Then known as Company Toolbox.


The Team

We have Great Team

Our Co-Founders, Daniel and Lauv started the initial concept of the business back in 2020. They used their contacts to get assistance, Hassan and Mark were brought into the team to create the dynamic core team we have today.

Daniel and Lauv taking the daily duties of running the business, sourcing new products and partners as well as interacting with our great customers. Hassan manages sales while Mark is our in house dedicated marketing director.


The Partners

We Have Amazing Partners

At Free Company Setup we pride ourselves on the vast network of partners that we have. We work with global companies such as American Express, all the to small local businesses. Our strong partner network has allowed us to gain an advantage on our competition.

Our network of partners is ever growing and we are always looking to bring on more in any type of sector..


The Bigger Picture

We have Great Team

Our long term goal is to take Free Company Setup global. Currently there is 60,000 formations every month in the UK. We aim to capture 10% market share within the next 5 years, which will put us in prime position for our global expansion plans. Aside from our global ambitions, we also want to extend into investing in our customers, allowing them to get an even bigger headstart.


Giving Back

We Love Giving Back

Whether it is giving things like cashback, rewards or random prizes to our clients we love giving back. Not only that but when we look for new partners we always consider our existing clients and in alot of cases have gone on to forge even stronger relationships with them. We are also a very charitable company, we often conduct projects for free and make donations to various causes. We also promise to plant a tree for every formation we conduct.